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Lincoln Anglican Academy Trust

Laura Capindale

HR Manager
Edward King House
Minster Yard

Telephone  01522 504050
Business Category  Education

The Diocese of Lincoln

Home to 631 places of worship, 2,687 sq miles stretching from the Humber to the Wash and with an estimated population of 1,021,600, we are proud to be part of one of the largest dioceses in the country.

But our diocese is about so much more than facts and figures. We have a wealth of tradition in worship - many 1,000s of pilgrims over the centuries have made their way to Lincoln Cathedral, which was once the tallest building in the world, and Lincoln is still home to one of the three remaining Magna Carta on which the very foundations of our constitution is built.

We have been home to steel industry, the fishing industry and of course farming, for many generations, and the people of greater Lincolnshire have always adapted to change and been great innovators: draining the flood lands (started by Benedictine monks in Spalding priory) to develop the fens which now supply produce to our nation and beyond; the tank was invented here; and of course, it was home to Sir Isaac Newton.

It shouldn't surprise us then that our diocese is a trail blazer for new and innovative ways of working together. Mission Communities are being developed across the region - getting church communities to think creatively about how they can work with others around them. We have put in place a discipleship team, led by the Archdeacon of Boston, to support this work, and to help Christians to grow in faith.

Bishop David is leading the Mission team, and his work will help us to re-focus on the joy of worship - bringing God's love into the hearts of everyone around us.

The parish buildings and operations team, headed up by the Archdeacon of Lincoln, works tirelessly to maintain our rich heritage in the buildings we have, and to think creatively how we can use them to support communities, through culture, art and simply providing a safe space.

The ministry team (currently being looked after by Neil Burgess), will be in the remit of the Bishop of Grantham, when they are appointed this year. This is an important role of supporting our clergy, in a time when we are actively looking to increase our numbers of stipendiary clergy. Our confidence in ministry has never been greater.

All of these areas of work are made possible by the support behind them - the diocesan officers, managers and staff. Led by Angela Sibson OBE,  the staff of the diocese have been immensely supportive of the changes, and are looking forward to the new ways of working together, building on our diocesan core values: faithful, confident and joyful.

The contact details for the diocesan support office are:

Tel : 01522 50 40 50

Edward King House,
Minster Yard,